Perfil de charity_vampire
124 anos 
Hancock Michigan, MI 
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charity_vampire eu te amo Kcauzinha_Oneill
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Último Acesso ao Perfil: 01/11/2017
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Membro Desde: 4/29/2011
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Quem gostaria de conhecer:
un amico non invade le nostre vite. ha appena vinto un posto nel nostro coraçăo.obrigado per la tua amicizia.
Mais Sobre charity_vampire
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Charity Laurus from Julian Murray on Vimeo

Charity Laurus,Rachael Renae
You are beautiful.

I?m not the real Charity but yes, yes she is beautiful


LASIK review/fail.

I know my last LASIK posts were a bit vague so heres the full story. I had my consultation and was told i was a good candidate and suitable for LASIK eye surgery. This is thought of as the ideal option as its a quick recovery and not as invasive (click the link for the wiki page) so i was excited i wouldn?t have to look at LASEK, which is a longer recovery where, instead of cutting a flap with a laser, they use a solution to weaken and (i think) dissolve the top layer of cornea or epithelium in order to laser the deeper layers. You then have to wait for your cornea to regenerate and wear a hard contact until that happens. After all the tests and opting for LASIK i booked the procedure and didn?t even think there would be a chance it wouldn?t work. The morning of the surgery i was really excited at the thought of never wearing glasses or contacts again as i headed into Ultralase. I filled out some paperwork, met the surgeon and was taken into the surgical prep room where i had anesthetic eye drops and they prepped my eye area with betadine (really cute) before taking me into the OR. I kinda felt like i was about to be probed by aliens because of all the weird high tech equipment but everyone made me feel totally at ease and positioned me on the ?operating? table. My head fit securely in the headrest and they used a machine to make sure it recognized my cornea from my previous scans which all went fine. When it came to putting the suction device on my eye i felt pressure and my vision became blurred and twisted side to side as if i was being turned upside down but in fact my eye was just being moved as they applied pressure.

This suction ring is applied and the suction is activated with what looked like a spring loaded syringe attached to it. This ring is what the laser that cuts the flap is steadied by so it is imperative that it is stable. They moved me (on the magical spinny bed) under the next machine which would apply the laser to the ring and as soon as it was in place, the ring would lose suction. I was moved back under the original machine to try and replace the ring and try again. This happened a few times before i started to get worried and asked if it was something i was doing. They reassured me that i was doing great but they kept losing suction. I think they tried another 2 times before the surgeon decided it was unsafe to proceed and he could not complete the procedure. Being a little disorientated and confused i felt like i might cry but just sort of lead there in shock before they wiped away the betadine and helped me up. The whole time they reassured me that it was nothing i did and it really wasn?t safe to try and proceed. They took me into the recovery room and called my mum down to sit with me. After a little while the surgeon called me back into his office where he apologized and explained everything in great detail even showing me the suction ring so i understood exactly why it wouldn?t work. My eye shape would not support the suction ring either because of the astigmatism affecting the shape of my cornea or because i have thick corneas. Unfortunately there was no way of knowing until they tried to apply the ring and although it did hold momentarily, the suction was eventually lost every time. He told me there was a possibility that we could try the LASIK procedure again at a later date or i could consider LASEK. He said i could go away and think about it and they would call me in a few days to check up and see if i wanted a refund or to try an alternative. There is currently only one size of suction ring for this procedure so i?m hoping in a few years they will have figured that out and i can try again. Currently my eye is very red but the discomfort and swelling has subsided and i?m able to wear contacts again (much to my annoyance that i had to find them again). The blood will dissipate over time and it is already looking better than it was. All in all i am still very happy with Ultralase as a company. They provide a wonderful clinic with amazing staff and incredible customer service, it was just unfortunate that it was not my time to see. Although i am still gutted that it didn?t work i have even more faith in them as a company that they would not proceed because it wasn?t 100% safe. Hope this covered everything..? This isn?t common at all but it can happen. I haven?t lost anything and just had a sore eye for a few days. Don?t let this put you off, so many people have perfect results.
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